188 research outputs found

    Interior Design as a tool for dementia care

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    This book investigates the role of interior design in the enhancement of the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease care. The author presents the conceptual model for an environmental system called “Therapeutic Habitat”, meant as a system of environmental interventions, based on tangible and intangible aspects, products and furniture, objects and services. Its aim is to enhance the well-being of people with dementia and stimulate recognition and interaction with the surrounding environment

    Interior Design as a tool for dementia care

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    This book investigates the role of interior design in the enhancement of the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease care. The author presents the conceptual model for an environmental system called “Therapeutic Habitat”, meant as a system of environmental interventions, based on tangible and intangible aspects, products and furniture, objects and services. Its aim is to enhance the well-being of people with dementia and stimulate recognition and interaction with the surrounding environment

    "Feeling at home” for people with dementia in care environments : the role of built environment factors. A critical literature review

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    ABSTRACT: This review summarises the challenges of applying evidence that built environment factors contribute to people with dementia feeling at home in long-term care institutions. Eighteen reviewed publications are classified into research-focused and practice-focused study. Research-focused studies from scientific epistemology focus on physical environment aspects that influence residents feeling at home in the care institution. Design-focused studies develop specific design strategies based on evidence from research-focused studies. However, there are limitations in transforming research evidence into design practice due to a mismatched knowledge foundation. Future research should consider standing on design epistemology to gain new insights which reflect built environment contributions to the sense of home for people with dementia living in care institutions by Research through Design approach.RESUMEN : La presente revisión resume los desafíos de la aplicación, a la practica del Diseño, de las evidencias que los factores del ambiente construido contribuyen a que las personas con demencia perciban el sentido del hogar dentro de un centro de cuidado de ancianos. Diecisiete publicaciones has sido revisadas y clasificadas según fueran estúdios basados en la investigación, o basados en la practica del diseño. Los estudios basados en la investigación, derivado de la epistemologia científica, se enfocan en los aspectos del ambiente físico que influencian el sentido del hogar en los residentes de centro de cuidado de ancianos. Los estudios basados en la practica del diseño, desarrollan especificas estrategias basadas en evidencia de los estudios basado en la investigación. Sin embargo, en la transformación de evidencia, proveniente de la investigación, en practica de diseño, hay limitaciones debida a discordancia entre conocimiento de base y presentación de la evidencia. La investigación futura podría considerar la posibilidad de situarse en la epistemología del diseño para obtener nuevos conocimientos que inspiren la práctica del diseño mediante el enfoque dela investigación a través del diseño.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Environment as non pharmacological intervention in the care of Alzheimer's disease

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    AbstractThe physical environment can reduce dysfunctional symptoms and behaviours, if the information needed to understand the environment is embedded in the environment itself. Moreover, the environment is regarded as a therapeutic aid, able to enhance well-being among people with dementia. The actual medical model of dementia care is focused on impairments and lost capabilities; considering these features as the focus of care makes hard to aim at enhancing people's with dementia well-being. Hence, focusing on the experience of living with dementia, enables designers to create care environments that accomplish dementia needs. Methods. Through interview sessions with caregivers and professionals, we delineated a set of design guidelines, for supportive environments tailored for people withdementia. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to analyse how design can promote well-being through the creation of physical environments for people with dementia that are psychologically supportive in order to manag..

    A sense of home for people with dementia in a long-term care facility: A design perspective

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    The study aims to provide new insights into the approach to the spatial design of homelike dementia care facilities. This paper builds on Molony's (2010) findings that home meaning in care facilities is a process of people-place integration, and then proposes that people living with dementia can accomplish this process through their bodily habit. This research adopted an ethnographic case study approach. Three cases from a long-term care facility were studied by using semi-structured interviews and observations. According to the findings, having a sense of home for people living with dementia can be understood as a process of re-establishing people-place integration through their bodily habits in a long-term care facility. As a result, designers can consider which design features can assist people living with dementia in re-establishing this integration through bodily habit to create home feelings in a dementia care facility

    Experimental realization of a measurement conditional unitary operation at single photon level and application to detector characterization

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    Our last experimental results on the realization of a measurement-conditional unitary operation at single photon level are presented. This gate operates by rotating by 90o90^o the polarization of a photon produced by means of Type-II Parametric Down Conversion conditional to a polarization measurement on the correlated photon. We then propose a new scheme for measuring the quantum efficiency of a single photon detection apparatus by using this set-up. We present experimental results obtained with this scheme compared with {\it traditional} biphoton calibration. Our results show the interesting potentiality of the suggested scheme.Comment: to appear in Proc. of SPIE meeting, Denver august 200

    Anthropocene and Design. The role of design in the emerging territorial scenarios of concemporary ruins in the Anthropocene epoch

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    In recent times, the influence of human behaviour on Earth's atmosphere is so significant to suggest the identification of the beginning of a distinct new geological Epoch, named with the term Anthropocene. It would be the last Epoch of the current Quaternary Period (starting 2.58 million years ago), following the current Holocene Epoch (starting 11.700 years ago). Anthropocene could also be read as a cultural concept, related to philosophy, literature and arts; a concept with which Humanities deal with complex questions about the relation between human beings, artefacts, nature and time. As a consequence, this relationship becomes relevant concerning the existing built environment. In fact, Contemporary Ruins (hereby meant as the dismissed, incomplete, and abandoned heritage built less than a century ago) are increasingly recognized as a growing phenomenon, both in terms of increasing numbers of reported case studies, and their rising territorial extensions. Moreover, in the past decades, dismissed buildings where easily reabsorbed through a process of re-functionalization, conversion of use, or physiologically assimilated by nature. Nowadays, these phenomena become visible. These tangible evidences of traumatic events, failures, and transformations, often remain as evident presences, because they are made up of new materials, built in contexts that don’t have the ability to re-metabolize them or because of their huge and growing territorial dimensions. Historically, Design represented the creative engine that generated tools, products, spaces, etc. It was an activity carried on only by few and skilled experts. Today, it seems assuming another direction, a more spread and expanded character. The so-called ‘diffuse design’ refers to design activities undertaken by a growing number of individuals. These actions often lead to large transformations, bringing about big social changes. Apparently, design could be seen as a shared attitude. This attitude is so widespread, expanded and shared that becomes part of the aforementioned cultural model that deals with the fundamental relationships between human beings, nature and time. Accordingly with the three topics outlined, we propose an exploratory paper with the aim to investigate the role of design attitude in the process of intervention on new fragile and complex territorial scenarios due to the growing dimensions of Contemporary Ruins. A critical reflection, supported by the cultural framework of Antropocene’s concept, in which natural elements and results of human activity become elements of the same scenario, complex as homogeneous, on which design actions can be activated, with the involvement of a new designing society

    Habitual Activities for People with Dementia: The Role of Interiors in Supporting Their Development after Relocating to a Care Environment

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    People with dementia have pre-reactive instincts, known as bodily habits, that allow them to continue with habitual activities. According to recent research, continuing and developing habitual activities in care facilities can help individuals with dementia establish a deep-rooted sense of home. Three aspects of developing habitual activity are critical in this process: continuing habitual activities fluidly, incorporating positive interaction into these habitual activities, and carrying out these habitual activities regularly. Based on this foundation, this article discusses how the interior environment of care facilities can support these three aspects of habitual activity for people living with dementia. Three cases in a long-term care facility were in-depth examined by using the microethnography approach. The study produced four themes. These themes emphasize the importance of organizing and managing the interior environment to support dementia residents’ habitual activities. In addition, it emphasizes that caregivers and institutional regulations influence the organizational role of the interior environment

    Absolute Quantum Efficiency Measurements by Means of Conditioned Polarization Rotation

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    We propose a new scheme for measuring the quantum efficiency of photon counting detectors by using correlated pho-tons. The measurement technique is based on a 90 rotation of the polarization of one photon member of a correlated pair produced by parametric down-conversion, conditioned on the detection of the other correlated photon after polarization selection. We present experimental results obtained with this scheme